The Author / 作者

Myself: Who am I?

Hello, I am Carrie and welcome to {A Hoard of Goodwill 善意的生活私藏}. I grew up in Taiwan and later on moved to New Zealand at the age of 10. I spent half of my time here and there for education and now am living and working in New Zealand long term. I embrace Buddhism with great respect, and hence an Oriental vegetarian. I consider myself very health conscious compared with most people of the same age; and hence I love to glean any well-being related information that suit my needs as well my belief.


哈囉~我是 Carrie,歡迎參觀《A Hoard of Goodwill 善意的生活私藏》。我是台灣人,從小在台灣長大,而到了大約十歲的時候移民紐西蘭。之後我就在兩地之間度過我的童年以及讀書。算起來有又幼稚園(台灣)和大學 / 研究所 (紐西蘭)是我待超過兩年以上的學校呢!而目前的我長期在紐西蘭居住並工作。我非常地尊崇佛教,也是位素食者,但是不敢說自己在佛學上有多麼的精進。我也非常關切任何與健康有關的話題,因此很喜歡到處去參閱蒐集與養生有關的資訊及文章。

§ 3 Responses to The Author / 作者

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